Imperfect Subjunctive of Irregular Verbs

The derivation of Imperfect Subjunctive from the 3rd person plural of Indefinido holds true also for all irregular verbs.

Infinitive  Indefinido Imperfect Subjunctive
ser/ir fueron fuera, fueras, etc.
estar estuvieron estuviera, estuvieras, etc.
hacer hicieron hiciera, hicieras, etc.
poner pusieron pusiera, pusieras, etc.
querer quisieron quisiera, quisieras, etc.
saber supieron supiera, supieras, etc.
tener tuvieron tuviera, tuvieras, etc.
construir construyeron construyera, construyeras, etc.
decir dijeron dijera, dijeras, etc.
pedir pidieron pidiera, pidieras, etc.
venir vinieron viniera, vinieras, etc.
Personal Pronouns (Who?)
“Ser” (To Be)
“Llamarse” (Be Called)
Gender of the Nouns
Definite Article (Singular)
Preposition “a” Linked with “el”
Adjectives of Nationalities
“Tener” (Have/Own)
Question Words “¿cómo?”, “¿de dónde?”, “¿qué?”
Indefinite Article (Singular)
Present Tense of Regular Verbs Ending in “-ar”
“Hacer” (Do)
“Estar” (Be)
Present Tense of Regular Verbs Ending in “-ir”
Question Words “¿dónde?”, “¿cuántos?”, “¿qué?”
Definite and Indefinite Articles (Singular and Plural)
Formation of the Plural of Nouns
“Ir” (Go, Travel, Move)
“Ir a” + Verb to Express Future Intention/Plan
“Hay” (There Is/Are)
“Uno/una” as Pronouns
Present Tense of Regular Verbs Ending in “-er”
“Querer” (Want)
Use of “otro/-a”
Pronouns in Position of Indirect Object (Dative, Whom?)
Use of Stressed and Unstressed Pronouns
Emphasis and Negation of “gusta/gustan”
“Preferir” (Prefer)
Agreeing or Disagreeing
Time details
Question Words “¿a qué hora?”, “¿cuándo?”
Use of “estar” (Be)
Position of Adjectives
“Ser” + Adjective
“Muy” (Very) - “mucho” (Much)
Use of “hay” and “está/están”
“Seguir” (Follow, Continue)
Ordinal numerals
Preposition “de” Linked with “el”
Pronouns in Position of Direct Object (Accusative; Who or What?) “lo, los, la, las”
Pronouns in Position of Direct and Indirect Objects
“Poner” (Place, Put, Give)
Expressing Quantity
Demonstrative Pronouns
“Poder” (Can)
Interrogative Pronouns “¿quién?”, “¿cuánto/-a/os/-as?”
List of Conjugations
Reflexive Verbs
“Salir” (Leave/Go out)
Time Expressions with “todo/todos”
Days in the Week
Expressing Future Plans and Intentions
Use of “ya” (Already) and “todavía no” (Not Yet)
“Quedar” (Make a Date/Appointment, Meet) and “quedarse” (Stay)
Stressed Pronouns Connected with Prepositions
“¿Por qué?”,“ porque” and “es que”
Simple Past of Regular Verbs (el pretérito indefinido)
Use of Indefinido - Simple Past
Indefinido of Verbs “ser” and “ir”
Indefinido of Irregular Verbs
Indefinido of Some Verbs Ending in “-ir”
Comparative and Superlative of Adjectives
Verb Type c -- zc
Direct Object in Accusative
Spelling Irregularities of Some Verbs in Indefinido
Conditional (el condicional)
Irregular Forms of Conditional
Use of Conditional
Comparative using the adverb “mucho”
Use of Reflexive Pronoun “se”
Interrogative Pronoun “¿cuál?” (what?)
Possessive pronouns
“Estar” + Gerund (Progressive Form)
Use of Verb “creer que”
Comparative of “grande” and “pequeño”
Use of “ser” and “estar”
Imperfect (el pretérito imperfecto)
Use of Imperfect
Irregular Verb Forms of Imperfect
Use of Imperfect and Indefinido
Forms of Comparative of “bueno” and “malo”
Imperative (el imperativo)
Imperative of Irregular Verbs
Imperative and Pronouns
Use of Imperative
Perfect Tense (el pretérito perfecto)
Irregular Participles
Use of Perfect
Stressed Possessive Pronouns
Use of Tenses
Giving Time with the Help of “hace”, “desde” and “desde hace”
Simple Future (el futuro)
Irregular Forms of Simple Future
Use of Simple Future
List of common irregular verbs
Summary of Grammar Terminology
List of Countries and Nationalities
Spanish Bien Mirado
Addressing in Spain and Latin America
Personal Pronoun “vos” and Appropriate Verb Forms
Giving Position with the Help of “estar en” and “estar al/a la”
Giving Time in the Present with the Help of “desde”, “desde hace” and “hace ... que ...”
Periphrastic Verb Forms (perífrasis verbales)
Use of Verbs “llevar/traer” and “ir/venir”
Interrogative Pronouns “¿qué?” and “¿cuál/cuáles?”
Diminutives (el diminutivo)
Use of Past Tenses (1)
Giving Position and Direction by Prepositions
Use of Past Tenses (2)
Indicative (indicativo) and Subjunctive (subjuntivo)
Present Subjunctive of Regular Verbs
Present Subjunctive of Selected Irregular Verbs
Present Subjunctive of the Verb “ir”
Use of Subjunctive after Expressions of Opinion and Attitude
Use of Subjunctive in Wishes
Present Subjunctive of “ser”, “estar”, “haber”
Present Subjunctive of Verbs with a Stem Vowel Change “o--ue / e--ie / e--i”
Present Subjunctive of Verbs “ofrecer”, “conocer” and “conducir”
Use of Subjunctive to Express Necessity or Opinion
Use of Subjunctive after Verbs Expressing Wish, Want, Request
Neutral Article “lo”
Use of “ser” and “estar” when Describing and Evaluating Meals and Food
Absolute Superlative (el superlativo absoluto)
Pronouns of Direct Object (accusative; who, what?) and Indirect Object (dative; whom?) Used in One Sentence
Pronouns With Imperative and Infinitive
Use of Indicative and Subjunctive after “creer que” and “pensar que”
Prepositions with the Meaning “on”
Use of Infinitive when Shortening Temporal Clauses
Periphrastic Verb Forms (perífrasis verbales)
Use of Imperfect and Perfect/Indefinido
Indirect Repetition of Questions or Proclamations
Comparing Nouns
Use of Indicative and Subjunctive after “querer”, “buscar”, “conocer”
Use of “alguien” and “nadie”
Meaning and Use of “mismo/-os/-a/-as”
Relative Pronouns
Uses of the Verb “saber” (Know, Can)
Use of Subjunctive after “esperar”
Use of Subjunctive after “ojalá”
Use of Subjunctive in Situation when Decision Is Left to Another Person
Use of Subjunctive after “cuando”
Future Perfect Tense (el futuro perfecto)
Use of Future Tenses to Express Speculation
Perfect Subjunctive (el perfecto de subjuntivo)
Use of Perfect Subjunctive (pretérito perfecto de subjuntivo)
Subjunctive after Expressions of Astonishment
Other Ways of Expressing Speculation
Plusquamperfect (el pretérito pluscuamperfecto)
Use of Plusquamperfect
Meaning of Expressions with “ponerse”, “volverse”, “ser”
Subjunctive to Express Feelings
Periphrastic Verb Forms (perífrasis verbales)
Use of Indicative and Subjunctive after “aunque” in the Present Tense
Real Conditional Clauses
Various Ways of Giving Advice
Subjunctive after Verbs of Doubting
Use of Indicative and Subjunctive after Expressions of Probability
Various Translations of the Verb “must/have to”
Use of “ser” and “estar”
Unit 12
Use of “para” and “para que”
Expressions for Giving Reason
Imperfect Subjunctive
Imperfect Subjunctive of Irregular Verbs
Use of Imperfect Subjunctive in Real Conditional Clauses
Use of Prepositions “por” and “para”
Use of Indicative and Subjunctive after “hasta que” and Other Temporal Conjunctions
Perfect Conditional (el condicional perfecto)
Use of Perfect Conditional
Periphrastic Verb Forms (perífrasis verbales)
Sequence of Tenses in Subordinate Clauses with Subjunctive
Direct and Reported Speech (1)
Direct and Reported Speech (2)
Sequence of Tenses in Subjunctive
Use of Subjunctive
List of common irregular verbs
Summary of Grammar Terminology
Use of the Indicative and the Subjunctive with the Verbs and Expressions of Opinion and Probability
Relative Pronouns of “que” and “quien”
Use of the Subjunctive after the Expressions of Feeling and Pleasure
Subjunctive in the Subordinate Clauses
Expressing Assumption and Probability
Using the Imperfect to Express Routines in the Past
Expressing Quantity
Giving Advice
Fulfillable ‘IF’ Clauses
Subjunctives after the Expressions and Verbs of Influence
Use of “para que”
Use of Subjunctive after the Expressions of Necessity
Imperfect Subjunctive
Imperfect of Subjunctive of Irregular Verbs
Use of the Imperfect of the Subjunctive in the Fulfillable ‘IF’ Clause in the Present
Pluperfect of the Subjunctive
Use of Pluperfect of the Subjunctive in the Unfulfillable ‘IF’ Clause in the Past
Alternative Ways to Express the Unrealizable Wishes
Use of the Subjunctive After “cuando”
Use of the Indicative and the Subjunctive after “antes de que, hasta que” and Other Time Conjunctions
Relative Pronoun of “que”
Comparative and Superlative Forms of the Adjectives
Conjunctions Expressing the Opposite Meaning
Periphrases with the Verb in the Infinitive
Evaluating Experience and Events
Use of Imperfect and Indefinido
Expressing Reasons and Consequences
Grammatical Differences between Spain and Latin America
List of common irregular verbs